A mystery woman in a mysterious place, is this fate, love or….
Samuel Wayne Bower leaned on the desk and sighed. He glanced at the clock irritably; it was only 1:40pm. He sighed again and threw the pen he held, skipping it across the sheets of paper scattered over the table. He ran his hand through his thick blond hair. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and the tie had worked downward against the warmth of the summer sun. He looked at the clock in exasperation; the hands had only moved a fraction. He held his tie as he stood reaching for the pen, jerking his head at seeing the man work his way through the glass enclosed outer office. Sam straightened as the newcomer came his way. The man stopped to talk with Sam’s pretty red haired secretary. The sigh of relief was overdone, seeing the beige envelope the man carried. Sam mentally kicked himself; he had to stop all this infernal sighing when he was stressed.
The office door opened and the younger man stood in the doorway, smiling at Sam.
“You get them?” he asked hurriedly.
“Relax Sam, it’s not like I haven’t done this before. You’re booked on Eastern flight 403, leaving at 4:30pm. You’ll be arriving LAX at 6:10pm. The suite at the Marriott is reserved.”
Sam sank into his padded seat and leaned back, his irritation turned quickly to excited anticipation.
“What’s it going to be this time?”
Sam looked at his law partner of six years, his younger brother Jeff.
“Married woman,” Sam said leaning into his high-backed chair, stretching, obviously pleased with himself.
“Cool, the raunchy one. What’s her name?” Jeff asked.
“Ahhh.” He quickly dug out a piece of paper from his pocket. “Denise Chamberlain.”
Jeff settled in across the table. “Sexy enough sounding.”
Sam grinned foolishly, his features softening, making him look younger than the forty-two years he actually was. “She picked it.”
Jeff sat back silently, watching as Sam stood, pulling his suit jacket off the back of the chair, his tall frame brushing the light fixture. Jeff sat thoughtfully, maybe he should try something like this; he had been married to Jean six years now, and well … things had become a little dull.
* * *
Sam looked out the window as the 767 circled Los Angles as they prepared for landing at LAX. He found he was actually holding his breath thinking about this weekend. With business and the hectic home life, it wasn’t often he was able to get away, but since getting Jeff to help with some of the details two years ago, the monthly get aways went smoother and smoother. He pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket and read. ‘Denise Chamberlain, 7:00pm bar, I’ll be wearing a red rose.’ Sam smiled happily. He hadn’t felt this nervous in ages. He didn’t even feel the gentle bump, bump as the airliner settled down onto the tarmac.
* * *
Sam sauntered into the bar, at 6:55. He was wearing a pair of casual charcoal slacks and, a simple light blue polo shirt. A black sports coat fitted his large frame nicely. As he stood there he quickly looked at his hand, and swiftly pulled the gold wedding band off and stuck it in his pant’s pocket. As he looked around he could feel the tension of the case drain away. The trial had been going badly, and it was beginning to look like the client might go down. But Sam sighed happily, at the moment he didn’t give a damn as he made his way to the bar, his blue eye scanning the lounge for a woman wearing a red rose.
Sam sat silently sipping his lemonade as the clock above the door clicked over to seven. As if by magic, the door opened and Sam could only gasp as the most beautiful woman he had even seen came through the door. She was tall and her fiery red hair was loose about her bare shoulders. The dazzling blue dress, with a small red rose pinned to her, hugging her full figure like a glove. When she stepped forward Sam noticed the split in her knee length skirt went quite high. He could see her long lovely legs, tanned and firm emphasized by the patent black stilettos.
Sam could feel his mouth hanging open and he hastily closed it. It wouldn’t do for him to be caught drooling all over himself. She stood looking about, the small bag clutched securely in her manicured hands. She casually brushed away one of her fiery locks and Sam felt his heart lurch into his throat. He quickly went to stand and found himself momentarily jammed awkwardly against the table in his haste to get out. His drink tottered, forgotten. The noise in the bar stopped
suddenly as the patrons were all watching the stunning woman standing alone. One or two of the bolder or pushy men on the prowl made their way to her. She was gracious and charming in her refusal of their advances. Sam was halfway across the richly carpeted floor when she caught sight of him. The woman smiled and all of Sam’s cares and worries melted away. Now closer, he could see she wore a simple gold chain with the letter P made from white gold set in a yellow gold filigree background. The man couldn’t help but stare at the gentle curves of her delicate décolletage. Sam stumbled forward, feeling like a schoolboy. She smiled enchantingly at his footwork.
Review by: Dale Russell on July 30, 2012 : A nice twist, and good to know romance is still alive. This was an enjoyable short read, convincingly written.